Sunday, November 13, 2016

Jeanette-isms part 2

Jeanette's ideas for inspirational decorations are boundless. Let's see what we've found around the house just this morning..

This is the kind of celestial décor that prompted my grandmother to ask Jeanette once if she was in a cult. No Nana, she just really loves a good sun/moon combo plate, blanket, or painting. Bonus points for the CREATE mosaic! She is always quick to remind us that we create our own reality! Thanks Jeanette.

Jeanette could never have any old, ordinary change bowl. No, she had to place a citrine crystal on top to not only jazz up its appearance but to multiply the energy of abundance that the change inherently puts forth. Crystalizing your change ladies and gentleman---you can't afford not to do it!

Why limit yourself to putting only candles in a candle stick holder? Why not fill it with a Chinese magic egg that reflects light and absorbs negative energy instead? No candle will ever burn as bright as the light of positive energy! Even the cat gazes upon it with knowing eyes. What a visionary you are Jeanette!

What better place to put your inspirational angel cards than right above your bills? The cards change daily. Today Arcangel Miguel looks down upon my parents finances with protective and loving grace. Notice that I said Arcangel Miguel and not Archangel Michael. She only has the Spanish version of these cards so she has to translate the descriptions for us.

Have a piece of scrap card board? Slap some red paint on that sucker and write some spiritual reminders on it! Tack it to a plant/utility box and put it right above the kitchen sink! Why just wash dishes when you can wash dishes and be inspired all at the same time? So spiritual Jeanette, so spiritual. You are leading the enlightened revolution. It also goes very well with the holy water and abundance spray. Spirituality, metaphysics and organized religion? Who says they all can't get along?! Jeanette transcends arbitrary boundaries. Way to go Jeanette!

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